junction capacitance

junction  capacitancejunction capacitance
  1. Measurements of p-n junction capacitance in polycrystalline CDs solar cell and its application


  2. Determination of Impurity Distribution in Silicon Epitaxial Layers by Schottky Junction Capacitance Measurements


  3. Junction capacitance in the SiGe HBT based on movable charge


  4. We found the junction capacitance increased significantly as the frequency decreased and the anomalous peak arose .


  5. Trench capacitors based on semiconductor pn junction capacitance


  6. Effect of Junction Capacitance and Spontaneous Recombination on Time Delay of Turn-on of Injection Lasers Modulated by pulse Currents


  7. The analysis shows that the deep level impurities in the semiconductors have the obvious influence on the junction capacitance at low frequencies .


  8. Our research results show that the CCB is related not only to the junction capacitance , but also to the inductance and resistance .


  9. Some critical parameters of these new structure photodetectors , such as dark current , responsivity , and junction capacitance , are measured and analyzed .


  10. Under reverse bias if frequency of small AC signal exceeds some value , the junction capacitance of Au-Si surface barrier detector will decrease .


  11. The limits which is used to distinct High-frequency or low frequency is described too . in the main are not to want to consider the problem of junction capacitance .


  12. The model describes the relationship between photocurrent and incident optical power , and it also illustrates the impact of the reverse bias to the variation of the junction capacitance .


  13. If the tunnel junction capacitance becomes larger , the amplitude of the I-V curve of single-electron transistor becomes smaller , but the period is unchanged .


  14. In the third method the parameters of a varactor diode are determined by the measurements of the input impedance only at negative biases and the junction capacitance at low frequency ;


  15. The experimental results showed that the light current Ip , current amplification factor β and response time to photo - devices were all decreased while dark current Id increased and junction capacitance C unchanged basically .


  16. In the neutron radiation environment there occurs the change in C-V characteristics of the Tar-actor diodes . At the given bias the junction capacitance decreases with increase of neutron fluence .


  17. The TVS chips whose breakdown voltage is higher than the ignition voltage , which has larger junction capacitance and smaller parasitic resistance , should be selected to protect SCB device from electromagnetic .


  18. In this paper the effect of junction capacitance , spontaneous recombination , DC-bias and injected pulse current on time delay ' of turn-on of injection lasers modulated by pulse currents is analysed comprehensively .


  19. Silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) device has the advantages of small junction capacitance , good resisting-radiation property , superior subthreshold characteristics , eliminating the latchup effects , suitable to low-voltage low-power operation , etc.


  20. The electric performance of the single-electron devices under the influence of such structural parameters as the tunnel junction capacitance and resistance , and the working parameters such as magnitude of voltage pulse and temperature have bene investigated .


  21. When the signal is High-frequency , the effects of junction capacitance must be considered , and the circuit equations are listed to solve the problem . At this time , the transistor can also be treated as a linear device .


  22. Based on the consideration of carrier transit of the SiGe HBT , the B-E junction capacitance model related to carrier distribution and the B-C junction capacitance model under different current densities are established and analysed .


  23. This method can not only accurately measure the values of series resistance , junction capacitance , junction voltage , and ideality factor at various forward biases , but also detect and measure an interfacial layer in a real diode .


  24. The emitter-base junction capacitance of the FFJ is only decided by it 's emitter doping profiles , so that both smaller base resistance rb and higher emitter cutoff frequency can simultaneously be obtained .


  25. Test and Data Processing of Emitter Junction Barrier Capacitance C Te of Transistor


  26. The Optimization of the Varactor Model Anomalous Chang in P ~ + N Junction 's Forward Barrier Capacitance


  27. The optimum numerical solution of the varactor model " anomalous change in P + - N junction 's forward barrier capacitance " has been presented with CAD .


  28. The dependence of series resistance , ideality factor , junction voltage , and capacitance on the applied voltage or current of laser diodes ( LDs ) is determined by examining forward AC behavior together with I-V characteristics .


  29. How to Identify the Biased Collector Junction with the Transistor Saturated EFFECTS OF THE BASE-TO-COLLECTOR JUNCTION CAPACITANCE OF A TRANSISTOR ON AMPLIFYING CIRCUITS


  30. We also studied the junction conductance-voltage characteristics as well as the influence of junction conductance on the junction capacitance measurements .
